• Scripture


    Being a Christian doesn't mean that you are unable to sin. Though we have been called to be as holy and as perfect as GOD is, we are made of flesh and our hearts are continually being regenerated through the good work that GOD started in us, until the Day of JESUS CHRIST. So we will fall, but the difference between us and the unbeliever is that we will rise again. We will weep over the sin, while the unbeliever doesn't care for what they have done. We will be remorseful while the unbeliever rejoices over and justifies what they did. See the example of David. Though a man that…

  • Inspiration


    As you wait for the season to be complete, as you wait for the answers to your prayers, keep obeying and working for GOD. Keep walking with, communing with and devoting yourself to GOD. Keep praying and studying the Word of GOD. Find company, find communities, talk to someone, rest, but don't stop. Don't ever lose hope. Keep the mark timing even though at one spot, but don't let the momentum come to a halt. Don't ever give up. Keep going, keep pushing, keep the pace up. Get out and do what needs to be done, but don't bail out on the journey.