
As I type this Blog, I just came from a very long “Ministry Break.” As I type this Blog, I don’t have a title yet because the title I had for it may not be in line with it anymore. As I type this Blog, I just came from doing my Devotion. Before I typed this Blog, I was ready to type a heading “Another Journal Entry,’ a title I thought to use, since when I figured it was time to get back from our “Vacation.” Before I typed, I asked GOD to guide me and HE led me to my Devotion. I did my Devotion and I got word for #DailyVibes and I could hear HIM telling me that as much as I was creating it for my Socials’ Story, it is the next Blog. And I was like, “But this won’t fit with the title…” Oh how we hang on to and get rigid with what we have planned and completely disregard what GOD has intended, I repent. Moreover, just to nag me some more, a friend sent me a message after seeing the stories. “This should be a Blog Post…” Hahaha!! I laugh, but embarrassed at my own “Disobedience Incognito.”
Thank you friend…Bleshya!!
The portion of Scripture I read was from Romans 8:28-30…
“And we know that in all things GOD works for the good of those who love HIM, who have been called according to HIS purpose. For those GOD foreknew HE also predestined to be conformed to the image of HIS SON, that HE might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those HE predestined, HE also called; those HE called, HE also justified; those HE justified, HE also Glorified.”
Take a minute to ask GOD to open up your heart and mind to this passage. It got me repenting for many things I have taken for granted. For a lot of Scripture that I have translated my own way because I feel like my “Grammar Teacher outdid herself in my life.” Joke on me…
Let us take it verse by verse…
Verse 28
“And we know that in all things GOD works for the good of those who love HIM, who have been called according to HIS purpose. ”
Yes indeed, all things including all the bad ones and not the good ones alone; the tribulations the sufferings and everything that makes us not want to face another day. That GOD will take what was meant for our harm and make it beautiful for us. That is what I have mainly heard preached with this verse and I have translated it mainly this way and it is very true in every aspect. In this Blog, GOD gave me a more elaborate dive; more to what I have overlooked in the verse.
…GOD Works…
How about the realization that it is GOD who works them together and not the Universe or fate? The most comforting part about it.Whenever HE steps in everything is perfect. I needed to believe that fact more. That whether it is good or bad, it is HIM who works it together. HE created all that is around me and it’s beautiful. How much more for me?
Secondly, whenever GOD’s works and doings are involved, it comes with a lot, right? Every blessing I have read in the Bible comes with a condition. However, how many times have we left out that condition? How many times have we uttered that we are blessed yet forgotten what the blessings of GOD come with? Looking at HIS Saving Grace, it came at a very heavy cost.Largely, the death of a MAN, that loved so much to see HIS FATHER’s Children live a life that will lead them to an Eternal Damnation.
There is also a cost that comes with following CHRIST. It means taking up your cross and following HIM.There is so much you have to let go of. Commitment to HIS ways, obedience to HIS Commands, throwing out rebellion and accepting that the suffering HE went through on Earth is also apportioned to us. In the same way, HIS blessings come at a cost, in order to fully enjoy that which GOD has promised us; in order for GOD to work in us. It is a blessing for GOD to work in and through us, but for HIM to do that, we need to abandon the very things that keep us away from HIS purpose.
What will it convict in us when we remember the number of times we left out “…of those who love HIM, who have been called according to HIS purpose?”
“…for those who love HIM…”
If you love someone, you will make sure that you do not grieve them. You will make sure to live with them in harmony, you want them close by you, you want to do good to them and as by them, you want to please them, you want them to love you back. And so you will find yourself living by their rules, respecting their boundaries, taking care of what they own and care about and a lot of other things. JESUS summed it up and said…
“If you love ME, keep my commands.”
John 14:15.
“..who have been called according to HIS purpose.”
The Dictionary meaning of the word “according” is “to be harmonious or consistent with…being of one mind…” The word purpose means “why you do something or why something exists.” Leading myself to seeing the number of times I have not been in harmony with the very reason GOD gave me to exist. Why do I do what I do and why do I do it? Why am I alive? Why did GOD wake me up this morning? Why has HE allowed me to be breathing up to this very minute? Truth is, many of us have been called, and we have accepted the call, but to whose purpose?
See, when the Bible talks about us being created in HIS image, it means HIS image. We will not go around saying, “my image” or “their image,” but HIS image. It is HIS. It belongs to HIM and so does HIS purpose. The next time I want to answer the question, “What is your purpose on Earth?” I will answer, “HIS purpose.” HIS purpose is that I live for HIM alone and that I live to the Great Commission.
Our own purpose on Earth is so flawed. No wonder we find ourselves in the wrong spaces, careers and relationships.
My prayer over all of us is that we surrender our flawed purpose to HIM and allow HIM to replace it with HIS Perfect Will and Purpose for us.
What we own, HE lets us keep. What we give over to HIM, HE perfects and uses us as vessels to manifest it, manifest HIM and HIS Presence on this Earth. Is what you are holding on to Manifesting HIM? Is it in line with HIS purpose? A time has come when we need to give HIM back everything and allow HIM to apportion it to us as HE deems. It is time we stopped micromanaging HIM and giving HIM commands over what belongs to HIM.
It is time we allow HIM to guide us into what HIS Will and Purpose is about.
Hence, so far in this light, things will NOT work together for our good if we do not love GOD and are NOT called according to the purpose of GOD!
Not our purpose or their purpose, or our bosses’ purpose or what-our-parents- forced-us-to-do purpose, but HIS purpose.
Wondering why they haven’t work out for your good, yet Jeremiah 29:11 says?
Verse 29
“For those GOD foreknew HE also predestined to be conformed to the Image of HIS SON, that HE might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.”
HE knew all of us way before anyone knew us. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a Prophet to the Nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5
The Dictionary meaning and explanation of the word “Destine” means intend or choose for a particular purpose or end. Its origin comes from the Latin Word, “Destinare” which means “to make firm or establish.” Pre in the Dictionary translates to “previous to or before.” Meaning that GOD Pre-Established us. HE Pre-Chose us and Pre-Intended us for another one of HIS purposes, long before anyone knew us.
Dictionary meaning… “Comply with rules, standards or laws.” ”Be similar in form or type; agree…” To conform to the image of CHRIST…
So Verse 29 tells us that GOD knew us before we were in our Mothers’ Wombs, Pre-Chose and Pre-Established us and Pre-Determined an outcome in advance, for HIS Divine Will, that we may be like JESUS. HIS purpose for us is to be like JESUS. To die to self every single microsecond so to be like JESUS. JESUS’ image represents Love, Purity, Righteousness, Peace, and everything the Fruit of The HOLY SPIRIT is. Is that what you and I really represent? To shed off everything that we know, that the World has labeled us to be and be like JESUS in totality. To leave everything aside and be like JESUS. To live and be called to GOD’s purpose and obey HIS purpose like JESUS did. To be like HIM, to look like HIM. That JESUS be the firstborn among us. Our First Born Brother. How do you identify that someone is someone else’s sibling? They look alike, either physically or by how they carry themselves around. Hitting home yet?
And if we are siblings then, why the hate, slander and malice, even between our own Christian Brothers and Sisters?
For those that are firstborns here know just how much responsibility is set on you. You are leaders, examples, role models, pace setters… you name it. It is not easy especially when you need to lead by example. However, JESUS does it so well. He has gone through what every sibling is yet to go through and so HE knows what you need to do when the situation comes. HE knows even before you go through it. Allow HIM to lead you. Allow HIM to lead you into GOD’s Purpose. Allow HIM to create harmony among ourselves. The World needs Christians united now more than ever before.
“I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”
John 13:15…
And in addition to HIS attributes, we know that when HE comes back for HIS church, we shall be made just like HIM; we who have been Pre-Chosen and have walked according to GOD’s Will and Purpose. How beautiful shall we be?
“But we know that when CHRIST appears, we shall be made like HIM, for we shall see HIM as HE is. ”
1st John 3:2.
Verse 30
“And those HE predestined, HE also called; those HE called, HE also justified; those HE justified, HE also Glorified.”
After HE Pre-Chose us for HIS purpose, HE called us. HE gave you and I a name. A name gives us an identity.
“Dear friends, now we are Children of GOD, and what we will be has not yet been made known.
”1st John 3:2.
“The SPIRIT you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather The SPIRIT you received brought about your adoption to Sonship. And by HIM we cry “ABBA FATHER.”
Romans 8:15.
We are HIS own. GOD calls you and I “MY Son”, “MY Daughter”, “MY Children”, “MY Sons and Daughters.” Even in all our flaws, HE will never call us by the identity of our sin. HE will not call us out by the identity of our weaknesses. HE calls us by the identity HE created us with. Do not go for a lesser identity. Get rid of all the false labels given to you and take up the space GOD created you in.
After HE gave you an identity, HE justified you. To justify is to make or show to be right and true. HE showed that despite falling short of HIS Glory, HE remains your “Right-ness” by HIS Amazing Grace. HE showed that you are right and true in HIS purpose even when they may reject and despise you. That you are “declared free of the guilt of sin” according to the Amplified Bible. That no one or nothing should make you feel condemned because you went and go against GOD’s Commands. “
…for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of GOD, and all are justified freely by HIS Grace through the Redemption that came by CHRIST JESUS.”
Romans 3:23-24
Believe that Redemption and embrace the justification GOD has given you by accepting JESUS into your Heart and allowing HIM a permanent residence in there. Let us not take this privilege for granted though. But let this be a call for us to do all we can to always be right with GOD and to also keep in mind that this came at a very heavy cost. And that HE did it for our own good, if only we choose to accept it.
After HE declared you free of the guilt of sin, HE Glorified you. The word “Glory” means, “high renown or honor won by notable achievements.” It also means. “Magnificence or great beauty.” As a verb, it means, “Take pride or pleasure in…” Aaaaaaaahhhh!! That last one…
To Glorify is to basically put all that into action. In the dictionary meaning, to Glorify is to describe or represent as admirable. And GOD has done all that to you! HE awarded you with and bestowed on you HIS Honor, HE sees you as magnificently beautiful, HE has taken pride and pleasure in you. The BEAUTIFIER has taken away the shame, Hallelujah, Praise be to HIS Holy Name! What more can man tell you that is more or less of this? Take some time and think about all the times you have looked down on yourself or even allowed people and life to beat and put you down.
Believe the benefits that GOD has given you.In the same way you never asked for your Father’s DNA, this is a DNA that GOD HIMSELF has stamped on you. You can agree with it and take it and enjoy living in HIS purpose or you can deny it. But the most amazing thing about GOD is that HE will never take away what HE has promised you, even if you reject it. HE will never sign away your hereditary as HIS Son. Therefore, just like the Prodigal Son, whose Father took him back with open arms, you have the chance to realize that you do not have to dine with pigs no more. Your heredity awaits you! I love what the Amplified Bible describes Glorified. “Raising to a Heavenly Dignity.” HE has brought us Heaven right where we are by allowing HIS Presence to dwell among us. By giving us HIS HOLY SPIRIT to make a Temple for HIS dwelling in our bodies and our hearts. HE has justified us and redeemed us to be worthy of a Heaven Citizenship. And don’t we all know just how beautiful Heaven is? Streets of gold, dwelling with GOD, don’t even get me started!!
And to think what kind of Glory HE will place on us when we finally see HIM face to face and HE says, “Well done, MY Good and Faithful Servant…”
I pray that this will be real for us. That HE has already placed HIS Glory on us and HE won’t take it away unless we disown it. Oh how HE loves us. Oh how HE wants us to stay apart for HIM. How HE wants us to seek HIS Kingdom first. HE gave us and is giving us these things. CHRIST died for us all; yes even you wondering how now? We can never fall too far away from HIM and HIS Purpose. Yes, it grieves HIM when we fall and sin has its consequence.However, HIS greatest intention is that we live an Eternal Life with HIM.
“The LORD is not slow in keeping HIS Promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, HE is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
2nd Peter 3:9.
It has never been too late to start walking in HIS purpose and finding your way back to HIS order. Come to repentance. HIS arms are wide open for you to fall to HIS Heart. The Heavens are waiting to celebrate. Come as you are, HE will make you what you need to be. HE will align you, HIMSELF, to HIS purpose. It is HIS purpose, HE knows best how to align you, with love and gentleness, not meaning it won’t be difficult and sometimes unbearable, but it is here that your healing begins.
If you are Born-Again and feel that you are miles away from HIS purpose, you only need to ask HIM to Re-Align you. If you are not Born-Again and you want to discover GOD’s Purpose for you, accepting CHRIST’s Salvation is the best place to start. Reach out to me or to someone you know is in CHRIST.
And finally, before I summarize, hihi!!
Jeremiah was set a part to be a Prophet.
Abraham was set apart to be the Father of Faith and of Nations.
Moses was set apart to be the Deliverer of the Israelites from slavery.
David was set a part to be the King of Israel and a Psalmist…the greatest King and Psalmist we know about in the Bible.
JESUS was predestined to be The SAVIOR of Mankind.
The list goes on…
How about you and I? What has GOD Pre-Chosen, Pre-Intended and Pre-Established us for? To show off how well we can clean up and what we own on the Socials? To fight for and show off our status in the society? To watch injustice and corruption taking over our Nations? To watch the poor and homeless suffer as we enjoy all the food we can stock up for rainy days? To suffer defeat and stay down? To look down upon ourselves and attend all the pity parties we invite ourselves to?
HIS purpose is what we need to ask HIM to help us figure out. Our purpose, as I said earlier, greatly flawed and selfish, but HIS reason for our existence is geared towards our own good and the good of the people all around the World. There is no way GOD, in HIS power, greatness and splendor would have predestined us for something less than phenomenal. HE makes us established and firm in HIS Purpose when we give our lives to CHRIST because it is HIS purpose that we experience Salvation and all that Salvation entails. Each one of us was created to serve HIM and to live for HIM and it is HIS Will that when we get born, we would be received in CHRIST JESUS. Each one of us, now Born-Again or not. My prayer is that we can acknowledge this and allow GOD to align us to and in HIS purpose.
For those of us feeling as though GOD has abandoned them and feeling beaten up by life, those doubting HIS call in our lives, that HE chose us before we were born and that we have been called for HIS Work, we can know that as we do or not do the work HE has sent us to do, HE has already “determined an outcome or course of events in advance, by HIS Divine Will.” That you are already walking in guaranteed victory for whatever battle you find yourself in, only if you are walking and talking in HIS purpose. Anything that is away from the territory of HIS purpose suffers defeat! Are you afraid to get in line with what GOD has called you to do and are afraid of the outcome or what people will say and if they will listen? Start off because HE has already predetermined your course and result and now you can confidently say, Jeremiah 29:11.
“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares The LORD,” plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
To summarize it all, GOD will work all things out for your good if you love HIM and are called to HIS purpose. We are all called to HIS purpose, it is just that we, sometimes, will not live to the call and we do not love HIM. GOD intended for us to comply and be in the Image of CHRIST and allow HIM to be our Leader and the one we can always run to, to emulate HIM and for comfort. Those HE pre-chose, HE adopted them into sonship, made them right and true and honored them, yes you and I. Accept that in your heart. It is a beautiful journey.
A lot goes into quoting these Verses. So you still want to say that all things work together for good?
More of GOD’s Grace, Love and Light,
Lydia Ndwiga.

